Eagle News and Announcements!

All Things Arp elementary...
Did you know? Arp Elementary was recognized as a 2024 PLC @ Work Promising Practice School. This is a national recognition given by Solution Tree (One of the Top Educational Companies in the World) for commitment to student learning and achievement.
Did you know? Our fifth-grade students scored above the district and state average on the state assessment; 2024 WY-TOPP English Language Arts.
Common Questions & Answers
When is the Arp Open House? Arp Elementary School Open House is scheduled for Friday, August 23rd from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM. You can park around the school or behind the school. Lunch will be served in the cafeteria for all! At open house families will have a chance to tour the school, drop off their supplies and meet their teacher(s). Sorry, final class lists will not be available until the Open House.
When does school start/end? School start on Monday, August 26, 2024 @ 8:35 AM. Student drop-off, playground, and breakfast is open at 8:05 AM. Students are released at 3:45 PM for buses and pick-up.
Where do I drop my kids off at? Parents drop students off at the Pershing Circle in the morning from 8:05 AM to 8:35 AM. Those arriving late will need to enter at the Office door on Concord Dr. Pick-up will be at Pershing Circle (PK, K, & 3rd grade) all others will be in front of the school on Concord Dr.
How can I find out about busing? All Arp students are eligible for bus transportation. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Department of Transportation at (307)771-2628.
How much does breakfast and lunch cost this year? As a reminder, breakfast and lunch will be served free of charge for all students at Arp Elementary this year😊!
How can I find out more information about Arp Elementary or LCSD #1? A great start is to visit the website for Arp and for Laramie County School District #1. You can also find us on Facebook. Also feel free to call the office at 771-2365.
What does my child need for school?
Please see the list below!
1 Box of #2 Pencils (24 count) 2 Boxes of Tissue 4 Glue Sticks
1 Box of Broad Line Washable Markers (10 count) 1 Backpack
2 Large Erasers 1 Box of Crayons (24 count) 1 Water bottle

Contact Us - 307.771.2628
Please remember to call the office before 9:00am if your student will be absent from school.
If your child has an appointment, please call and order their lunch.
If you have any updates to your phone number, email, or address, please call the office and we will get things updated!

LCSD #1 policy requires us to send home a letter when a student has missed 5, 10, 20, or 30 days of school. This letter is informational and will include a copy of your students' attendance.
If there are any issues with your student's attendance Mr. Loyd will contact you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Arp office.

attendance matters!
School Attendance Matters! A missed school day is a lost opportunity for students to learn. According to the National Center for Education Statistics there is a direct association with absenteeism and student achievement in reading, math, and general knowledge. Please do your very best to have your student at school on time and ready to learn!