Transitional Kindergarten (TK)

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is part of a two-year kindergarten program for students within the Arp Elementary boundary. Some children may need additional time to grow, develop and learn. TK provides the gift of time to allow this growth. The curriculum for the TK program will provide learning opportunities in all areas of development (cognitive, emotional, physical, and social) with a focus on the fundamental learning blocks of reading, writing, and math. This a free program to families.

TK students will participate in art, library, music, physical education, and STEM. The schedule for Transitional Kindergarten will mirror that of kindergarten starting at 8:25 AM and finishing the day at 3:25 PM, and it will be fully integrated in the school.  The TK program will be capped at 14 students. Once students enter the Transitional Kindergarten program, they will remain in the TK class until the following school year, ready for kindergarten.

Transitional Kindergarten is not a preschool curriculum, nor is it intended to substitute for the kindergarten year. Following the completion of TK students will be prepared to enter the traditional Kindergarten class.

All kindergarten eligible students will be screened in the spring or prior to entering kindergarten. Students will be recommended for Transitional Kindergarten (TK) based on the kindergarten screening results and following careful consideration of school readiness. Families will consult with the school team and ultimately make the final decision on placement in traditional Kindergarten or Transitional Kindergarten.

Please contact Arp Elementary School if you have any questions 307-771-2365
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) – FAQ

What is the cost of TK? This is a free program. Students are in kindergarten, which if funded through LCSD#1 (state funds).

How will I know if my child is recommended for Kindergarten or TK? All incoming students will complete the initial district kinder screener. Based on the data collected, select students will be reassessed to get more information regarding their readiness for kindergarten. Following the reassessment, parents will be contacted regarding assessment results.  Those families with students meeting the criteria for TK will meet with the school team to see if this is the best fit for their child.

How long is the TK day? TK is a regularly school day, 8:25 AM to 3:25 PM.

How long are students in TK? This is a full-year program. Once students enter the TK program, they will stay the entire school year.

At what age can students be considered for TK? Students must meet the state and LCSD #1 age requirement for traditional kindergarten.

Is this a requirement for all students? No, TK is not for all students, and it is not required. This will be a team decision (parents and school staff) based on the data and what is best for the student.

How many students will be in TK? The TK program will be capped at 14 students to ensure individual needs are fully addressed by the TK staff.

What will students learn? Staff will use a unique kindergarten curriculum which will support the Wyoming kindergarten standards. The focus will be on the foundational skills in literacy, mathematics, as well as the social emotional needs to be successful in a traditional kindergarten classroom.

What grade do students go to after TK? Once students finish the TK program, they will move to kindergarten the following year.

Will students have specials? Yes, students will have access to STEM, music, art, PE, and library.

Will students have breakfast and lunch? Arp Elementary has universal breakfast for all students.  Students will also have access to the school lunch program.

What is the benefit? The TK program gives students the gift of time. Time to grow and mature. Time to develop the fundamental skills necessary to be successful in the kindergarten classroom.

Is TK only for students in the Arp Elementary neighborhood? Yes, currently this pilot program is open to kindergarten aged students zoned to attend Arp Elementary School.

Who will teach TK? The staff will consist of a highly qualified certified teacher with experience in the field. The classroom will also have additional adult support staff throughout the day.